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Money with Mak and G

Dec 28, 2022

New Year’s Eve is a great time to say goodbye to a year, and welcome in a new one. Who doesn’t want to do better next year and think of one resolution to put in place. How can we increase our chances of success?  And, how do other countries ensure prosperity?

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Dec 20, 2022

The holidays mean food, parties, being with family, or other special memories like taking a ski trip with the family. But, when most of us hear a Christmas song, it puts us in the mood. Who are the financial winners of the songs you love and the annoying ones you don’t?

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Dec 13, 2022

The year 2022 was an interesting one filled with several new experiences.  As the year winds down, there are things to do and reflect upon to finish the year strong, and set yourself up for next year. Is this the year to set your plan and hit your goals?

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Dec 6, 2022

Each country has to deal with its own financial demands.  The comparisons with our country might make you say “Wow”.  But, it may also make you ask the question of why we do what we do.  Money is spent and saved differently, but don’t count on seeing a piggy bank in Dhaka.

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