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Money with Mak and G

May 24, 2022

McDonald’s has been in the news lately, and that’s not a surprise.  It’s a big company that operates all over the world. But, have you ever traveled somewhere and needed a little taste of home and found it cost less? It's a pretty serious deal when it comes to money and Big Macs.

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May 17, 2022

Your time is valuable.  So, you should spend it wisely just like money.  Benjamin Franklin got the idea, and wrote about it.  Every time you make a choice to spend your time, you’re spending one of the most valuable resources you have! It’s time to be picky.

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May 10, 2022

When talking about money, you have to talk about the economy.  Savings, spending, and investing are tied to what is happening with how the money flows around.  Things are looking strange. Are they broken?  What’s up with the broken shoulder?

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