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Money with Mak and G

Jan 25, 2022

We’ve all heard of jobs that do and don’t pay well.  But, some jobs, most people haven’t heard of, and some pay really well.  When there are fewer people who are willing to do it (supply), you get paid more because the demand remains. Let’s look at a couple of jobs that might surprise you.

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Jan 18, 2022

If you haven’t noticed what’s going on, prices are going up.  Actually, it’s the biggest gain since 1982.  That’s 40 years.  If your salary goes up 4% and inflation goes up 7%, that means you’ve lost purchasing power.  That’s the power to buy things. It affects investments too!

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Jan 11, 2022

Game Shows and Television. She’s a national treasure and her legacy will live on long after she’s gone. She spanned decades in her profession and is respected by young and old alike.  Let’s take a deeper dive into Betty White, and talk about money along the way.  Can’t forget that.

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Jan 4, 2022

It’s starting to get real for Mak & G. The budget has been drafted and analyzed. It still needs some tweaks.  They’ll start to pay for their expenses via credit card and manage their money to understand banks, credit cards, their spending, and much more. 2022 is a brand new year. It can be fun for them to save...