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Money with Mak and G

Mar 21, 2023

Knowledge is said to be power.  But, shouldn’t it also be “MONEY”.  It’s so incredibly valuable. It can change history.  People have died to educate and be educated to gain knowledge.  It opens doors in many ways.  How do our schools add up? Everybody has an opinion. Let’s take a little look at acquiring...

Feb 21, 2023

It’s crazy to think about all the unique ways that people, businesses, and governments can save money.  In the last episode, we found out how roundabouts can save lives AND millions of dollars.  What’s more creative than saving money by peeing on a fly?

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Feb 14, 2023

Over 50,000 downloads!! Yipee! That’s crazy exciting, and we feel the love on Valentine’s Day We’re expecting a lot out of 2023. For many, getting losing weight is a goal.  Dad’s looking at losing 50. What the heck does that have to do with money?  And, what’s up with going round?  Just take a listen….


Jan 17, 2023

Stocks had a tough year in 2022. Are there other investments out there?  How do they work?  Well, let’s talk about one alternative investment called a private equity fund.  It sounds pretty complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple to understand.

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Dec 28, 2022

New Year’s Eve is a great time to say goodbye to a year, and welcome in a new one. Who doesn’t want to do better next year and think of one resolution to put in place. How can we increase our chances of success?  And, how do other countries ensure prosperity?

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